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Image by Jake Nackos


Think you may be in need of a tooth extraction? If you are in or near Jacksonville, FL, and think you may need a tooth extraction, come see Dr. Kathryn Ryan at Parkway Prosthodontics so we can properly evaluate the situation. In some cases, a crown, Root Canal, or filling will do the job before an extraction is even necessary.  Occasionally, a tooth may become so damaged from injury, illness, infection, or decay that it must be extracted.  Additionally, adult teeth may be overcrowded and tooth removal is a necessary part of the alignment process.


At Parkway Prosthodontics, our experienced prosthodontist. Dr. Kathryn Ryan, is extremely qualified to safely pull teeth and deliver the aftercare you need to recover and regain health, function, and a beautiful smile. 

About Dental Extractions

A tooth extraction also known as tooth pulling or dental extraction is the removal of a tooth from the socket of the bone. The process of extracting, pulling, or removing a tooth can be performed for multiple reasons. Typical reasons for tooth extractions are as follows:

  • Tooth decay

  • Broken beyond repair

  • Make room for orthodontic work

  • Poorly positioned teeth (i.e. impacted teeth)

  • Infection and/or Risk of Infection

  • Periodontal (Gum) Disease


Once a tooth extraction has been deemed the best course of action for you, our Prosthodontist, Dr. Ryan, will set up a date and time for your tooth extraction procedure. An antibiotic may be prescribed before or after the procedure varying on a case-by-case basis.


At the beginning of your procedure, Dr. Ryan will numb the area with local anesthesia. Once the extraction begins you will likely feel pressure but does not result in pain. Once the tooth extraction is complete it’s natural for the socket to bleed, even if stitches are in place.  Our Parkway Pros support staff will provide you with gauze pads and instruct you to gently place them onto the socket to absorb the drainage, staunch any bleeding, and promote clotting.


Typically, you’ll want to leave gauze in place for 3-4 hours following your tooth extraction, changing it out as necessary. To promote clotting, we recommend patients avoid rinsing, smoking, and drinking through a straw for 24 hours. To help with pain and swelling, ice can be applied to the side of your face in ten-minute intervals. Finally, make sure to get plenty of rest.  Plan to rest for at least 24 hours after extraction and take it easy for a couple of days thereafter.  Prop your head up on pillows when resting to minimize bleeding.


Once you are fully healed, you can discuss tooth replacement options with our Parkway Prosthodontics team to restore your smile and avoid shifting of other teeth.  Contact Parkway Prosthodontics today at (904)647-5793 or online to schedule your appointment.

Types of Dental Extractions

Dental extractions come in two basic types – simple and surgical. Which kind is right for you will depend on the situation we are looking to fix.


Ideally, we prefer to save your natural teeth whenever possible. Unfortunately, this sometimes is not the appropriate solution and it becomes necessary to extract a tooth in order to protect the health of your other teeth. Some of the situations that may warrant an extraction include:

  • Severely broken or fractured teeth

  • Severely decayed teeth

  • Impacted wisdom teeth

  • Crowding


Simple extractions are performed when the tooth is above the gum line and can be removed with a lifter and forceps. The process and healing time are both quick. This may be used for a decayed tooth or a tooth that is broken but is still above the gumline. It’s also used to remove teeth when the root has died or if your teeth are crowded and removal is necessary to facilitate orthodontic treatment.


Surgical extractions, on the other hand, are more complicated. A surgical extraction requires an incision into the gum to get to the tooth. This type of extraction is necessary if your tooth has broken below the gumline or if it is multiple pieces and some are stuck beneath the gums. A surgical extraction is also necessary for impacted wisdom teeth that are partially or completely covered by gum tissue.


The most common reasons for wisdom tooth removal is they become impacted or produce other dental issues such as overcrowding of the teeth, cavity formation, or pain.  Since wisdom teeth are located in the back of the mouth, they may not form properly resulting in tooth impaction. Tooth impaction can vary by location and cause.


Impacted wisdom teeth can also be defined as follows:


  • No Impaction: The crown of the tooth is above the jawbone and gum line. If wisdom teeth are not impacted, and actually come in straight and above the gum line, they may still need to be removed due to infection caused by food debris and bacteria that are trapped behind the wisdom tooth. Cavity formation can occur in wisdom teeth because they are not easily accessible with a toothbrush or dental floss.

  • Soft Tissue Impaction: The tooth is covered by gum tissue.  Soft tissue impaction occurs when a wisdom tooth is partially exposed and the gum extends over the biting surface of the tooth itself. This issue causes a biting problem.

  • Partial Bony Impaction: The tooth is partially exposed, but part of the crown is trapped below the gum line and in the jaw bone. 

  • Complete Bony Impaction: The tooth is completely encased in the jaw bone. This is more common with sideways (horizontal) and backwards (distoangular) teeth. 


Not everyone will need to get their wisdom teeth removed. It’s possible for the teeth to come in just like any other and never be a cause for concern. The most common reasons your dentist will recommend extraction are:


  • Tooth Damage: The pressure and awkward placement of impacted wisdom teeth can damage the teeth in front of them. Tooth decay, gum disease and even bone loss can occur.

  • Nerve Pain: Mouths are tight spaces. If a wisdom tooth comes in at the wrong angle, it can easily become inflamed. The pain can be considerable.

  • Infection: Your normal teeth have a rim of gum tissue around the bottom edge. Wisdom teeth often erupt with excess gum tissue covering too much of the tooth. Food and bacteria can get trapped under the tissue, leading to tooth decay and painful infection.

  • Disease: In rare cases, impacted wisdom teeth can cause cysts or tumors in the surrounding tissues.


Once your wisdom teeth have been removed, the healing process begins.  Every patient responds differently to wisdom teeth removal. You may experience mild pain or discomfort, and swelling.  Pain and swelling are usually limited to the area of the extraction(s). The dental team at Parkway Prosthodontics will provide you with the necessary instructions to help you recover quickly and comfortably post-surgery. You can also find them here. 


Whether you need one, two, three or all four wisdom teeth extracted, our highly trained and experienced Prosthodontics team is at your side providing personal and gentle care throughout the entire process! Call the Parkway Prosthodontics team today to schedule an initial examination.  We’ve proudly served our North Florida neighbors, friends, and family for more than 10 years



  • Rest quietly with your head elevated for the remainder of the day.

  • Always get up slowly from a reclined position to prevent dizziness

  • Limit physical activity for the first 24 hours and avoid excessive exertion for the first 72 hours.

  • Healing will occur much faster with rest!


Swelling and Bruising:

  • Some swelling often occurs and this is normal in the healing process.

  • However, if swelling seems excessive and is accompanied by fever or severe pain, please call immediately.

  • Use an ice pack for the first day following surgery. This will contribute to your comfort and minimize swelling. Place an ice pack on your face over the surgical area; 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off.

  • Moist heat may be applied the day following surgery for added comfort.



  • Red saliva is expected for the first 24 hours, however extensive bleeding should not occur. If such bleeding should occur, apply firm pressure with moist gauze to the area for 20 minutes. If the bleeding does not subside, please call.


Mouth Care:

  • AVOID RINSING, SPITTING, OR SUCKING THROUGH A STRAW for three days after surgery. Blood is clotting and this will disturb the healing process.

  • You may begin gentle rinsing three days after surgery, but do not rinse vigorously for seven days.

  • Do not rinse with an over-the-counter mouthwash for seven days

  • You may begin to brush the NON-SURGICAL areas the day of surgery



  • Eat softer foods for the first week such as pasta, eggs, fish, yogurt, soup, pudding, and soft-cooked vegetables.

  • For the first few days, avoid extremes: very hot, very cold, or acidic/spicy foods.

  • Do not eat hard crunchy foods such as popcorn, small seeds (like in strawberries, sesame, and poppy), nuts or chips for the first week after surgery.

  • Maintain a balanced diet.



  • We strongly advise NOT SMOKING after surgery. Smoking delays the healing process, increases discomfort, and may encourage bleeding and infection in the surgical site.


If you have any questions or concerns please call us (904)647-5793.

  • Why Are Wisdom Teeth So Problematic?
    Anthropologists theorize that wisdom teeth are relics of our past. When our diet consisted of tougher foods like raw roots, nuts and leaves, having a third set of molars helped us crush the food and ease the wear on our teeth. Over thousands of years, our diet got softer and our mouths got smaller. There’s less space in our mouths for a third, unnecessary row of teeth. When they try to come in, they can be forced into strange angles and get trapped beneath gum and bone. The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons estimates that about 85% of people will need their wisdom teeth removed.
  • When Do Wisdom Teeth Come Out?
    Wisdom teeth typically come in between the ages of 17 and 25. If you start experiencing issues or your dentist sees where they’re going to cause a problem in the future, it’s best to get them removed right away. Younger mouths are still settling into their adult shape and recover from surgery faster and have less chace of complications. It’s possible for wisdom teeth to come in normally and not cause concerns for many years. Our mouths are active and shift as we age. You could develop a cavity, have your teeth shift into a more cramped position or develop an abscess due to bacterial build up. Wisdom tooth extraction is appropriate whenever the teeth are causing problems, even if you’re in your 50s before something hurts.
  • Is Tooth Extraction Painful?
    Yes, getting a tooth pulled can hurt. However, Dr. Ryan will typically give you local anesthesia during the procedure to eliminate the pain. Following the procedure, we may recommend over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription pain medication to help you manage the pain. We encourage all of our patients to not worry. We have multiple ways to ease your dental anxiety and make the process as painless as possible! Most patients find themselves thinking "that was it?" after each extraction! Try not to listen to every terrible story you can find on Google, you will be just fine!
  • How Long After a Tooth Extraction Can I Eat?
    For at least 24 hours after your tooth extraction, you should consume only soft foods and liquids. You can ease into a more normal diet when you feel comfortable doing so. Try to stick with easy-to-chew foods for a few days. Initially, choose cool foods like yogurt, pudding, Jell-O, and ice cream.
  • How Do You Sleep After an Extraction?
    Following any type of oral surgery, including a tooth extraction, you should sleep elevated for the first 2-3 nights. This allows your body to drain more of the fluid away from the extraction site. If you were to lie flat on your back, the amount of swelling is much more likely to increase.
  • When Can I Stop Worring About Dry Socket?
    This risk is present until you're fully healed, which may take 7 to 10 days in many cases. Dry socket occurs when the blood clot that should have formed in the socket after your extraction is either accidentally removed or never formed in the first place. Dry socket is no longer a risk once the site is healed.
  • Can I Go Back to Work After an Extraction?
    Some patients who undergo tooth extraction may want to take a day off from work just to make sure they can rest well and address the immediate side effects of the procedure. Other patients may not need to spend a day recovering and will be able to return to work the next day, or same do, so long as it is not physically demanding.
  • Will an Extraction Require Stiches?
    After the tooth is removed, you may need stitches. Some stitches dissolve over time, and some have to be removed after a few days. Your dentist will tell you whether your stitches need to be removed.
  • How Can I Fix a Dry Socket at Home?
    No matter how much of you wants to listen to Google, DON'T. Please call our office as soon as you feel you have lost the blood clot.
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