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Dental Implants

Dental Implants
with Dr. Kathryn Ryan in Jacksonville, FL

Dental Implants
in Jacksonville, FL

Over the past three decades, dental implants have distinguished themselves as the most complete tooth replacement available today. Unlike traditional bridges and dentures, implants actually restore an entire tooth both above and below the gum line.


As a prosthodontist, Dr. Kathryn Ryan is a certified expert when it comes to placing and restoring dental implants. She has undergone thousands of hours of advanced training that your average general dentist has not, enabling her to handle complex cases others would deem a lost cause. For every implant patient, she creates precise and personalized treatment plans so a smooth experience and beautiful results are guaranteed. If you’re ready to finally get rid of those gaps in your smile or that ill-fitting denture, Dr. Ryan is ready to provide the solution you need.


To learn more about implants and how they can rebuild your smile, contact us today for a consultation.

Image by john vargues

Why is a Prosthodontist the best doctor for the job?

A prosthodontist is a specialized dentist with advanced training in the restoration and replacement of teeth, including dental implants. They are experts in the planning and placement of dental implants, thanks to their deep understanding of the anatomy of the mouth.


Prosthodontists also have advanced training in prosthetic dentistry, which enables them to design and fit the dental implant restoration, including the implant itself and the crown or bridge attached to it. They can provide comprehensive treatment planning and customized solutions for complex cases, ensuring the best possible outcome for their patients. Overall, a prosthodontist like Dr. Kathryn Ryan is the best specialist for dental implants, providing the highest level of care and expertise for restoring damaged or missing teeth.


Using a prosthodontist for implants ensures that the procedure is performed with the highest level of expertise, safety, and precision, resulting in a successful and long-lasting implant restoration.

Dr. Kathryn Ryan in Jacksonville, FL

What is a Dental Implant

A dental implant is a screw-like cylinder that can be crafted from a variety of materials, including titanium and zirconia. The secret behind their success is that they replace the root hidden underneath the gums while dentures and bridges are designed to only recreate the white crown parts of the tooth that are visible when you smile.

Dental Implant Anatomy

Dr. Ryan surgically inserts an implant into your jaw, where it works as an anchor to support your eventual dental restoration. She also attaches an abutment, which connects the restoration to the implant and won’t be visible above the gum line. As a prosthodontist, Dr. Ryan specializes in the design and placement of custom dental implant restorations and other advanced restorative dentistry services. After your implant-supported restoration is in place, it will be so lifelike that virtually no one should notice is it not natural.

How do Dental Implants work?

Stages of Dental Implant Treatment

Dr. Ryan and her team want you to be fully informed and prepared for your upcoming tooth replacement procedure. As a prosthodontist, Dr. Ryan is pleased to provide the start-to-finish dental implant placement and restoration process in-house, so patients can remain familiar and comfortable with our dental team. By discussing the steps required to achieve your full, complete smile, you can become more confident in your decision to choose dental implants. Your treatment process will occur in multiple stages. Although this may seem unnecessary it is vital to the long-term success of your new smile. By discussing the steps required to achieve your full, complete smile, you can become more confident in your decision to choose dental implants.

  1. Initial Dental Implant Consultation

    • ​You will first meet with your implant dentist in Jacksonville to discuss your eligibility and any preliminary treatments you may need. If signs of tooth decay, gum disease, or jawbone deterioration are present, Dr. Ryan or Dr. Mularkey will likely recommend you for periodontal therapy, bone grafting, a sinus lift, or even tooth extraction. These preliminary services are often necessary to ensure that your dental implants have the greatest chances of success when placed.

  2. Dental Implant Surgery

    • ​Your dental implant surgery will consist of receiving local anesthesia to numb your mouth before small incisions are made in your gums. Dr. Ryan will carefully place and position each dental implant into its corresponding location. Advanced dental technology is used during the planning phase to minimize the potential for complications during your procedure, as she will ensure proper placement for maximum support. Once all your dental implants are put into place within your jawbone, she will close the gum tissue and place protective healing caps on top of each implant.

  3. Dental Implant Osseointegration/Abutment

    • You will be required to return home and spend the next 3-6 months recovering. This timeframe is necessary to ensure osseointegration occurs and is successful. Your bone must fuse with the implant to create a firm foundation for your new prosthetic. During this time, you’ll be expected to follow various guidelines to avoid any complications during the healing process.

    • Once you’re fully healed and osseointegration is complete, you will return for another small procedure, which includes placing your metal abutments on top of your implants. These will serve to connect your implants with your customized restoration.

  4. Delivery of Dental Implant Restorations

    • ​The final step in your dental implant placement process is to receive your new teeth. Dental implants in Jacksonville, FL are highly versatile, which means you can have a crown, bridge, or denture created to replace your missing teeth. Made from high-quality materials, you can trust that your new smile will look and feel natural. The best part is that it is designed to last 30+ years as long as you commit to taking proper care of it throughout your lifetime.


See how we replace a single tooth during implant surgery at our Parkway Prosthodontics office...

Reasons for Dental Implants

Depending on your degree of tooth loss, there is a treatment right for you. Dr. Ryan performs a comprehensive consultation to create a customized treatment plan you need.

Missing Single Tooth  An implant post, an abutment, and a crown are used to fill the space of a single missing tooth.
Implant-Retained Crowns and Bridges  2 to 3 consecutive missing teeth in a row are replaced by anchoring your custom-made bridge to your jawbone using 1 or 2 implant posts. This eliminates the need for placing dental crowns on the adjacent teeth.

Missing Multiple Teeth  Several missing teeth can be replaced with dental implants as well. Depending on how many teeth you are missing, Dr. Ryan may recommend a combination of a single-unit implant or an implant-retained bridge.

All-On-4  A custom-made denture is anchored to your jawbone using an average of 4 implant posts. Often, your denture is attached the same day as your placement surgery, so you do not need to go without any teeth. LEARN MORE

Missing All of Your Teeth You can skip the slipping and irritation of a traditional denture by anchoring it to your jawbone with dental implants. Dr. Ryan determines how many posts are needed to secure your denture.

Implant-Retained Dentures  Implant-retained dentures allow you to restore as much as 70% of your biting force, so you can enjoy your favorite foods again. LEARN MORE


Life-Changing Benefits of Dental Implants

Replacing both the root and crown of the tooth allows you to enjoy a variety of benefits that are not possible using any other treatment. As the implant post stimulates bone growth to fuse with your jaw, you will experience various advantages, including:


Sturdy & Long-Lasting

Dental implants offer several advantages over other treatments. The posts are made of medical-grade titanium, which is biocompatible and built to fuse with the surrounding jawbone tissue. As long as you practice good dental care and attend regular visits to the dentist, your implants can last a lifetime.


Prevents Bone Loss

One of the natural consequences of tooth loss is jawbone recession, which can make your face look sunken or prematurely aged. By sending regenerative signals to your jawbone just like healthy teeth, implants can help prevent bone atrophy.


Uplift Your Confidence

96% of people say a good smile makes a person more attractive. Missing teeth can make your smile look unhealthy and unbalanced. If you cover your smile on dates, at work, or in photographs because of missing teeth, dental implants can give you a renewed sense of self-confidence.


High Success Rate

Studies have shown a five-year success rate of approximately 95% for lower jaw implants and 90% for upper jaw implants. The success rate for upper jaw implants is a little lower because the upper jaw is less dense than the lower jaw. 


No Damage to Other Teeth

Implants can counteract just about all of the effects of tooth loss. Without any negative stress or pressure on the neighboring teeth, implants can actually prevent the movement and shifting of the adjacent teeth. Bone loss that would otherwise impact the neighboring teeth can also be prevented.


Lifelike Function and Appearance 

Dental implants act as artificial tooth roots, allowing your implant-supported restorations to anchor into the jaw in the same way as healthy, natural teeth. This ensures your dental prosthetic will not loosen, wobble, slip, or slide out of place during biting, chewing, or speaking. Denture patients especially often find this newfound confidence to be nothing short of life-changing.


Dental Implants Prevent Bone Loss
Lift tour confidence with Dental Implants
Dental Implants Long Lasting
Dental Implants create a Natural Appearance
Prevent Damage to teeth with Dental Implants

Understanding Implant Cost

Dental implants recreate a tooth from the root up, which requires a multi-step treatment process. Each phase in your plan has separate costs, which can make it easier to pay for your new smile because you don’t need to cover the entire amount upfront. This gives you more time to pay to keep your treatment affordable. Although everyone’s plan is unique, you can expect it to include:

  • Initial Consultation: You’ll need a CT scan and a thorough consultation to ensure you’re a candidate for dental implants.

  • Additional Procedures: Many patients need additional procedures, like tooth extractions, bone grafting, or periodontal therapy.

  • Implant Placement: You’ll need oral surgery to insert titanium posts into your jawbone to serve as new tooth roots. Sedation or anesthesia is recommended to ensure your comfort.

  • Abutments: Each post needs a special fixture called an abutment, which is a connector piece between the implant and the restoration.

  • Restoration: Made of all-ceramic material to look and feel like a real tooth.


You’ll initially pay more for dental implants; however, they are more affordable long-term because they offer reliable results. They have over a 95% success rate and are proven to last for decades with the right aftercare, like maintaining your oral hygiene and visiting your dentist regularly. As a result, you’ll never need to worry about paying to have them replaced, saving you money down the road.


Dental implants also improve your oral health overall because they preserve your jawbone. This prevents dental drift to lower your risk of cavities, gum disease, and additional tooth loss. As a result, you can reduce your long-term dental expenses by preventing costly treatments in the future.


As you can see there are various factors that influence the cost of dental implants, such as how many teeth you are replacing and your dental coverage. Unsure if you can afford dental implants? Talk to our team about arranging a payment plan and maximizing the value of your dental insurance to keep your new smile affordable. Contact Parkway Prosthodontics today to schedule your consultation.

How to Make Dental Implants affordable

Besides using your dental insurance, our office provides various payment methods to keep dental implants in Jacksonville, FL within your budget, including:

  • Traditional Payments: Our office accepts all forms of traditional payments, including cash, checks, and credit cards.

  • Third-Party Financing: Third-party financing can be used for any out-of-pocket expenses. You can pay for the services using monthly installments after your credit approval.

A member of our team will review all your options during your consultation for a complete smile. If you have any questions before then, don’t hesitate to contact our office.


Convert your Existing Denture

Do you already have removable dentures? Are you frustrated with the noises, slipping, glue, movements, and embarrassing moments that can happen as a result? It is possible to convert your current system into Implant Dentures. An implant-supported denture looks more natural and, most importantly, it stays in place and helps keep your jawbone healthy and strong.  

Implant Gallery

Are you among the 120 million Americans who are missing at least one tooth? You could choose a traditional solution to complete your smile, like a bridge, crown, or you could enjoy an option that closely looks and feels natural. Dental implants allow you to regain the next best thing to your real teeth. Dr. Kathryn Ryan will rebuild your smile using a customized treatment plan.


Have questions on Implants, let's chat!

Dental implants in Jacksonville give you a solution that offers realistic and predictable results; however, it is a big decision to make. It is normal to have questions about the treatment. We want you to feel confident in your preferred solution to replace your missing teeth. Dr. Ryan takes the time to explain your treatment and answer your questions to help you make the right choice for your smile during your consultation. In the meantime, here are the answers to common questions about dental implants to help you make the right choice.

    Prosthodontics is a dental specialty that’s specifically devoted to the art of restoring and replacing dental structures like teeth and the jawbone. You can rely on a prosthodontist to provide high-quality services like porcelain veneers, dentures, bridges, crowns, dental implants, and complex full mouth reconstruction.
    Dr. Ryan completed a three-year residency program in Prosthodontics at the Marquette University School of Dentistry in Milwaukee, earning her Master’s in Prosthodontics in 2010. She also was a surgical implant fellow in the Graduate Prosthodontic program at the University of Florida College of Dentistry. In this program, she not only became very skilled in oral surgery techniques like dental implant placement, but she also taught dental students about dental implants and other restorative concepts. In fact, she continues to serve as a guest faculty member at the school, regularly lecturing and working with the prosthodontic residents. Her dedication to this specialty truly goes above and beyond!
    In most cases, Dr. Ryan will strongly recommend dental implants as the premier reconstructive solution. Implants replicate the entire structure of the natural tooth, improving health and function as well as aesthetics; their longevity is also unmatched, lasting for decades or even the rest of the patient’s life. Our practice is home to several state-of-the-art implant options that can be matched to each patient’s unique needs, including implant-retained prosthetics and All On 4. Of course, no treatment plan can be the right fit for every patient in need. Dr. Ryan will be happy to review all available options with you in detail during your initial consultation so that we can discover the ideal path.
    Full mouth reconstruction isn’t a specific service – it’s actually a personalized treatment plan that incorporates any number of restorative and cosmetic-minded procedures in order to fully revitalize a patient’s oral health. Dr. Ryan’s expertise enables her to guide patients through even the most complex journeys, resulting in a complete, confident smile that’s finally regained its full potential.
    Of course. Parkway Prosthodontics is home to several cosmetic services that can erase visual smile flaws and create stunning improvements for your teeth. Possible options include teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, metal-free restorative work, and more.
    Yes! If you are a victim of mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a trained dentist like Dr. Ryan can prescribe customized oral appliance therapy in order to clear the airway and help patients rest easier.
    Our team is happy to accept many major dental insurances and payment plans through CareCredit. We want to help make your care as affordable as possible! To learn more, please visit our new patients page.
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